Vandalism and Mischief

Fact – Vandalism and graffiti account for the majority of individual criminal incidents within the school environment – but reports of incidents decreasing by up to 90% are common where CCTV cameras have been installed.  School CCTV: The Facts


The Crime Prevention and Community Safety Grants provide funding to community organisations for local crime prevention projects and local councils for CCTV projects in South Australia. Attorney-General’s Department,   Crime Prevention and Community Safety Grants

Crime and Theft

(Stats Canada Crimes for 2014) (FBI- Violent Crimes and Major Thefts)

Having security cameras installed in your business not only can help solve crime, they go a long way towards preventing it too. Find out more about why you should consider adding surveillance cameras to your security system.  Surveillance Cameras Deter & Solve Crime by Paul Davis

The review found that overall crime decreased by 51 per cent in sites operating CCTV compared to areas where there was no such intervention. The effects of CCTV on Crime



Organisations are increasingly recognising the value of surveillance cameras to help address workplace compliance and work, health and safety policies. Christian Dorau writes. Read more at

TTC requests police help to investigate subway assault, Video shows transit enforcement officers throwing punches

Operational Enhancement

Production efficiency is improving organization and effectiveness in a production facility as well as saving manufacturers time wasted due to errors and money lost due to mistakes. For these reasons, automotive manufacturers are taking advantage of the beyond security applications of video surveillance cameras in their production facilities. Production efficiency improved by beyond security applications

At Long Island’s North Shore University Hospital, hand washing compliance rates were consistently low [among staff] despite educational efforts. In response to those low rates, the hospital took an assertive approach to solving the problem by installing cameras to monitor hand washing rates. The outcome data were reported to the staff and as a result, compliance increased from 6.5% to 81.6%, demonstrating the potential power of this technology in the medical setting. …How surveillance cameras can improve medical care  By Susan Perry

Managers and supervisors can use video surveillance to monitor employee productivity, determine job performance areas where the employee needs improvement and insure that employees follow company safety rules. Maintenance employees can use video surveillance cameras to detect equipment that needs repair and equipment that is operating in an unsafe manner. Because employees, managers and supervisors cannot be everywhere at once, a video surveillance system monitors productivity without hiring additional personnel. Importance of Video Camera Surveillance in a Workplace by George N. Root III, Demand Media

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